Dan 25 gpp izazov sa Džulijom protiv zemlje. Uvek je zadovoljstvo vratiti se redovnom rasporedu treninga.
2,218 87%
Дан 25 gpp изазов са Џулијом против земље. Увек је задовољство вратити се редовном распореду тренинга.
Today I'm feeling more energy in my body. That's why I come back to a normal plan of training. Constantly working on the body gives feeling and real changes in a physical body and psychic as well.
Video Transkripcija
Hi guys Julia Viers is here. Today is 10th April of 2022 and today is 25th day of GPP challenge
and this is great because you know why? Because today we come back to normal plan of our trainings
so today it will be 2 more exercises and duration of each exercise little bit longer
like 10-20 seconds longer than yesterday and before yesterday
so let's do our training and for this first I need to remove my panties