Ona mi uništava jaja u vidž papučama na stolu za presvlačenje jaja dok su mi ruke zaključane na stolu u rukavicama
12,088 99%
Она ми уништава јаја у виџ папучама на столу за пресвлачење јаја док су ми руке закључане на столу у рукавицама
Here she as the title says she crushes my balls on the ballcrushing table in Wedge slippers and let me tell you something those slippers fucking hurt 😃😄😄 I mean more than I imagined and a lot more than it hurts when she steps on them barefoot. So she crushes them and I visibly try to endure it but it's very hard but I try, try and try again and I take it 🙂 She massages my balls, she crushes them and you can see my balls change their shape and get flattened beneath the hard platform then she stands with one foot on my balls and one on my cock, then she massages my cock while crush crushing the balls. After that she crushes them barefoot. Enjoy !
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Uii, uii, uii!
Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Nu te mai misca, dracu' mei!
Cred ca m-as asimblu!